Wednesday, June 14, 2006

AFT & the CEA Endorse Lamont!!! This is HUGE

Two of the biggest unions in Connecticut, The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) & the Connecticut Education Association, endorsed Ned Lamont yesterday! This is an incredible moment for Lamont. In sweeping language, AFT makes the connections between Iraq and other issues that too few in the media and in the Party have been willing to make:

"This endorsement came down to the issues of education and healthcare and the draining of resources from our state in order to fund the war in Iraq," said Sharon Palmer, president of AFT Connecticut. "Ned Lamont understands these issues and agrees with our positions."

"Our educational system has been pushed to the limit by the requirements under No Child Left Behind which has been underfunded by forty-five billion dollars," said Palmer. "Ned Lamont will support students and teachers by fighting to fully fund this federal mandate."

"With more than one in ten people in Connecticut uninsured and many more underinsured, our state is facing a health care crisis of epic proportions," said Palmer. "Ned Lamont supports universal health care that will provide high quality health care for all."

"More than two hundred and fifty million dollars a day is being diverted into the war in Iraq," said Palmer. "Money that could have been used to improve public services in Connecticut. Ned Lamont understands this and will stand up to the Bush Administration. That's why AFT Connecticut is proud to endorse Ned Lamont for U.S. Senate. Ned Lamont will fight to improve education, healthcare and public services for Connecticut's working families."

I couldn't have said it better myself. They'll be having a joint press conference tomorrow to announce their endorsements more publicly. From the sound of it, AFT & CEA will really mobilize for Lamont, moving out a lot of union members and organizers to hit the streets in the final weeks leading up to the primary. Lamont's field team better make certain that's what happens, and should use this endorsement as leverage with SEIU and other major unions in the state that haven't yet endorsed in the race. The challenge will be to respectfully approach and convince a few key unions with the power to really do field organizing that it is worth it to put the time and money into Lamont, as most of them will be focusing on the gubernatorial primary.

That Lamont's people have broken through with AFT & CEA is definitely a sign, however, that this is possible. If a few unions get out and do real groundwork for Lamont, it could be enough to put him over the edge. Lamont could really win this thing!


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